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Tech Check

Case Study: Stobbs


Discover how Stobbs, a leading IP (intellectual property) firm, partnered with Right Digital Solutions to optimise their Microsoft 365 management. By leveraging our innovative Tech Check + Quantum service, Stobbs achieved significant cost reductions, enhanced security and improved operational efficiency.


The Summary

Stobbs is committed to understanding each client’s unique needs and delivering bespoke tailored solutions. To continue to deliver this level of excellence, Stobbs faced substantial IT management challenges, including:

  • Disparate systems leading to inefficiencies and high maintenance costs.
  • Inadequate visibility into device usage and software performance.
  • Difficulty managing licences and ensuring compliance.
  • Security vulnerabilities and lack of robust monitoring tools.
  • Need for better budget management and cost forecasting.

To overcome these obstacles, they needed to make some tanglible changes, so they began by partnering with RDS for a comprehensive Tech Check +.

The Solution

RDS provided a comprehensive Tech Check + Quantum deep-dive into their Microsoft 365 estate, tailored to address Stobbs’s specific pain points. This delivered:

  • Visibility Across Their Estate: Implemented tools to gain a clear view of all devices and their usage.
  • Support for JML (Joiners, Movers, and Leavers): Streamlined employee transition management.
  • Current Licence Agreements: Enhanced understanding of licence costs and additional products.
  • Three-Year Licence Overview: Tracking licences bought, allocated, and used over three years.
  • Ongoing Usage Analysis: Monitored how licences are utilised for better allocation.
  • Spend Forecasts and Cost Savings: Provided budget planning tools and identified cost-saving opportunities.
  • Premium Licence Allocations and Usage: Optimised premium licence management.
  • Detailed Office 365 Apps and User Activity Information: Offered in-depth insights into app usage and user behaviour.


By leveraging the latest technology – in consultation with us at RDS – Stobbs continues to offer cutting-edge innovative IP solutions, further strengthening its market position as a leader in the IP protection field.

Cost Savings:

Subscription Management: Through RDS’s detailed analysis and management of Microsoft licences, Stobbs achieved significant cost savings, reducing subscription expenses.

Resource Optimisation: With RDS managing their IT subscriptions, Stobbs can ensure optimal use of resources, allowing the IT team to focus on strategic initiatives rather than laborious administrative tasks.

The Benefits

  1. 1Cost Reduction - Significant savings in cloud-based management expenses.
  2. 2Efficiency Improvement - Streamlined operations leading to higher productivity.
  3. 3Enhanced Security - Robust security protocols ensured the protection of sensitive information.
  4. 4Improved Compliance - Ensured adherence to industry regulations and standards.
  5. 5Better Budget Management - Accurate spend forecasting and cost optimisation.
Right Digital Solutions haven’t disappointed. They’ve helped us reduce our subscriptions cost by a massive £35,000 per annum. They provided us with a management platform for our Microsoft 365 licences that gives me real peace of mind. With RDS Managed Insights we’ll get dashboard information that allows me to drill down if I need to, we’re really happy with the new subscription management solution. IT Manager of Stobbs Georgios Mavromatidis