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How to choose a Managed Service Provider


How do you keep up with the latest developments in business IT? It’s not like running your business is a part-time affair that leaves you with loads of spare afternoons to be checking out what new devices and systems the cool kids are using.

Well, that’s where a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can be your white knight.

A good MSP can ride to your rescue, armed with in-depth knowledge about all the cutting-edge and industry-standard platforms, systems, software packages and devices you need to make your business-life easier and more efficient.

Any MSP worth your time (and – full disclosure – we’re talking about ourselves here) will be across all the latest options available to you to optimise your IT infrastructure and end-user systems, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

This article will guide you on how to choose the right MSP – what to look for and what questions to ask – to ensure your business benefits from enhanced security, cost savings and improved efficiency.

Table of contents

  • What is a Managed Service Provider?
  • Types of services provided by Managed Service Providers
  • How can an MPS benefit my business?
  • How to choose the right Managed Service Provider
  • Questions to ask before engaging an MPS

What is a Managed Service Provider?

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a third-party company that remotely manages a customer’s IT infrastructure and end-user systems on a proactive basis. MSPs offer a variety of technology services to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs for businesses. Let’s take a look:

Types of services provided by Managed Service Providers

When it comes to vetting the right Managed Service Provider for you, know that some specialise in specific areas such as managed print. Flip that coin and you’ll discover others, such as Right Digital Solutions, who take a more holistic, top-down approach. Regardless, typical MSP services cut across a range of business critical areas. These include:

  • Network and infrastructure management
  • Security services
  • Cloud services
  • Data backup and disaster recovery
  • Help desk and technical support
  • IT consulting and strategy
  • Managed print services
  • Software management and support
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Voip and communication services
  • Mobile device management (mdm)
  • IoT management

At Right Digital Solutions, we offer all of the above in an integrated way. To make things easier for our customers, we bucket them into three key service offerings: Managed IT, Managed Communications and Managed Print.

How can an MSP benefit my business?

When selecting a Managed Service Provider (MSP), understanding the benefits they bring is crucial for making an informed decision. Here are some key advantages:

Cost savings:

By partnering with an MSP, you can significantly reduce expenses associated with maintaining an in-house IT staff and infrastructure. MSPs offer a more predictable and manageable monthly cost, helping you to better allocate budgets and avoid unexpected expenditures on IT issues and upgrades.

Support for sustainable business practices:

Some MSPs (including us at Right Digital Solutions) prioritise sustainability. We offer eco-friendly solutions that reduce waste and energy consumption, helping businesses like yours to lower your carbon footprint and promote a greener, more sustainable operational model.


MSPs provide access to a team of specialised professionals with a wide range of technical and financial skills and experience. This ensures that you can continuously deploy the most up-to-date and effective solutions without needing to invest in additional training and certifications for your own in-house staff.


As businesses grow, IT needs evolve. MSPs offer scalable solutions that can easily expand or contract based on your requirements today and if things change tomorrow. This flexibility ensures that your IT infrastructure can keep pace with your growth, without causing significant downtime or additional costs.

Proactive support:

One of the key benefits of using an MSP is the proactive support they offer. Through continuous monitoring and preventative maintenance, MSPs can identify and address potential issues before they become major problems, minimising downtime or reducing the danger of data breaches and, therefore, ensuring smooth business operations.


Outsourcing IT management to an MSP allows you to concentrate on your core activities. This reduces the distractions and inefficiencies associated with managing IT in-house, enabling your company to devote more time and resources to strategic initiatives and growth.

Enhanced security:

MSPs implement advanced security measures to protect against cyber threats. With regular updates, monitoring and compliance with industry standards, you’ll be confident you are safeguarding your data and IT systems from breaches with all of the resulting financial losses, public relations problems and fines.

Improved efficiency:

By streamlining operations and leveraging the latest technologies, MSPs can help enhance your productivity. Efficient IT systems mean faster processes, reduced downtime and the ability to implement new technologies quickly and effectively.

Choosing the right Managed Service Provider

Here’s a helpful checklist of features and services to look for (all of which, of course, we at RDS can supply. Just saying).

  • Comprehensive IT management: End-to-end IT services including monitoring, maintenance and support.
  • Security services: Robust cybersecurity measures to protect against threats.
  • Customised managed print solutions: Tailored print management to suit business needs.
  • Communication solutions: Integrated telephony and communication tools.
  • Data management: Services that include data analytics, storage and backup.
  • Sustainability initiatives: Eco-friendly practices and solutions to reduce carbon footprint.
  • Secure and scalable IT management: Ensuring security and scalability as your business grows.
  • Comprehensive communication solutions: Enhancing connectivity and collaboration.
  • Data insights for informed decision-making: Leveraging data analytics to drive business decisions.
  • Sustainability and carbon footprint reduction: Commitment to eco-friendly practices.

Key questions to ask before engaging an MSP

With a number of providers on the market, knowing where to start can be a bit of a head scratcher. To save your follicles – and help your business – in vetting a potential suitor, gauge whether they take the time to understand your business challenges and, in doing so, conduct audits. This is important as this business intelligence puts the MSP in a strong position to advise you on the solutions that will digitally transform your business into a smooth operator.

In addition, here’s some handy questions to consider asking:

Can you provide case studies or references from similar industries?

You should look for detailed case studies or testimonials that highlight successful projects within your industry. These references should demonstrate the MSP’s experience and ability to solve industry-specific challenges, as well as offering the tangible benefits provided to other businesses similar to yours.

How do you ensure the security of our data?

Look for comprehensive security measures including data encryption, regular security audits, compliance with industry standards (e.g., GDPR in the EU and HIPAA in the US) and 24/7 monitoring. The MSP should also have a clear incident response plan and demonstrate a proactive approach to cybersecurity.

What is your approach to scalability as our business grows?

You should seek MSPs that offer flexible service plans and have a proven track record of scaling IT infrastructure effectively. Look for detailed examples of how they have managed growth for other clients, including the integration of new technologies and seamless system expansions.

How do you support sustainability and eco-friendly practices?

Evaluate the MSP’s commitment to sustainability through their initiatives such as energy-efficient data centres, electronic waste recycling programs and sustainable office practices. The MSP should provide examples of how their solutions help reduce environmental impact and support your sustainability goals.

What are your service level agreements (SLAs) and response times?

You should expect clear, well-defined SLAs that outline guaranteed response and resolution times for different types of issues. Look for transparency in their performance metrics and ensure that the SLAs meet your operational needs and expectations for uptime and support availability.

Why choose Right Digital Solutions?

So, you can see the very real benefits of getting the right MSP in your corner. Well, here comes the sales pitch! This is where we explain that we know all of that, because we do all of that.

We’ve provided services for multinationals like the BBC and Sony Music, as well as for local businesses.

When it comes to picking the right Managed Services, we at Right Digital Solutions have got you covered.

Why? Well, for starters, we tailor our solutions to fit your unique business needs perfectly. Our focus is on reducing your costs while beefing up security. With our expert team, we ensure your IT and communication systems run like a dream.

Plus, we’re big on sustainability. We’ll help you go green and reduce your carbon footprint without sacrificing efficiency.

But let’s look at the reasons to believe in more detail:

  • Managed IT specialists: We offer expert managed service solutions tailored to your unique business needs, ensuring optimal performance and security for your IT infrastructure.
  • Nationwide support: Our technical teams cover the UK, providing comprehensive and timely support no matter where your business is located.
  • UK-based control: We pride ourselves on offering a local and responsive service, with a control centre based here in the UK, ensuring you get quick and efficient assistance.
  • Manufacturer independence: Being independent from manufacturers, we recommend the best technology solutions specifically suited to your needs, without any brand bias.
  • Personal management: Our dedicated service means you have a personal account manager who understands your business and provides tailored support.
  • Cost and sustainability: We help reduce your operational costs while boosting sustainability, implementing eco-friendly practices and solutions that benefit both your business and the environment.

MPS services offered by RDS

At RDS, we leverage the power of Data Insights and Managed Services to ensure your business remains productive, connected, sustainable and secure, no matter where work happens. Here’s what how we do it:

Managed IT:

What is Managed IT: Managed IT Services provide comprehensive IT management including monitoring, maintenance and support of IT infrastructure. This service ensures that all systems are running smoothly, minimising downtime and preventing potential IT issues before they disrupt business operations. Benefits include access to specialised IT experts, enhanced security through regular updates and monitoring, plus scalability to accommodate business growth.

How RDS manages your infrastructure: We focus on providing secure digital tools to protect your systems, data and documents. With more teams working remotely, information security becomes paramount. Our robust solutions aim to safeguard your critical information assets.

The UK government reports that UK businesses suffered 2.39 million cyber-attacks in 2023, with 69% of large businesses reporting attacks or breaches.

Find out more about our Managed IT Services.

Managed Communication:

What is Managed Communication: As hybrid working becomes more normalised, Managed Communication Services have become ever-more important. This encompasses integrated telephony, VoIP and other communication tools that improve connectivity within and outside the organisation. By providing seamless communication solutions, these services enhance collaboration and efficiency, reduce communication costs and ensure that your business comms remain reliable and secure. Businesses gain from improved employee productivity, better customer service and the ability to support remote working environments.

How RDS connects your business: In today’s ever-evolving hybridised business environment, effective communication is crucial. We recognise this and offer communication solutions that meet the needs of your employees, clients and suppliers. Whether it’s audio, data or video channels, we ensure effective integration with office-based systems, networks, security procedures and remote teams.

Our clients experience an average cost saving of 38% when switching to our mobile fleet.

Discover more about our Managed Communications.

Managed Print:

What is a Managed Print Service: Managed Print involves the optimisation and management of your fleet of printing devices such as printers, scanners and copiers. By streamlining print operations, an MPS enhances efficiency, reduces waste and cuts costs. Businesses benefit from reduced paper and ink usage, lowered operational expenses, enhanced security and increased productivity as employees spend less time dealing with printing issues and more time on core business activities.

How RDS makes print work: We provide Managed Print Services tailored to your specific requirements. Our team of technical and financial consultants conduct a Tech Check audit and user engagement process to thoroughly understand your needs. Leveraging this knowledge, we offer Managed Print Solutions that drive down costs, improve security and reduce carbon footprints.

An impressive 96% of our clients renew their agreements.

Learn more about our Managed Print Services.

Managed Data Insight:

What is Managed Data Insights: Managed Data Insights involve the collection, analysis and management of data to provide actionable insights. These services utilise data analytics tools to help you make informed decisions, identify future trends and, therefore, improve business strategies. The benefits include enhanced decision-making capabilities, improved operational efficiency and the ability to leverage data for competitive advantage.

How RDS uses business intelligence: We empower your business by giving data a dynamic presence. Utilising our insight and data capture tools, we provide actionable insights, informed decision-making, operational efficiency and a competitive edge in today’s data-driven landscape.

Our solutions improve efficiency, profitability and productivity, with 90% of RDS’ Workplace Solutions fully paying for themselves in under two years.

Learn more about our Managed Data Insight Services.

Next steps

Choosing the right MSP can significantly impact your business’s efficiency, security and sustainability. We like to think we stand out of the crowd by offering tailored, scalable and eco-friendly services designed to meet your unique business needs.

But, don’t just take our word for it, check out our Case Studies which detail the range of services we’ve provided to happy customers. We look forward to adding your business name to the ranks of the proud RDS successes!

To explore how our comprehensive solutions can benefit your organisation – contact RDS for a consultation.